WeGotPIX FAQ... an eternal work in progress
What are the rules?
Get your pix in on time. On time=before kickers foot hits the football at kickoff.
What is this "Index Factor"?
Index Factor is used to determine tie-breaking, (or listing order on the leader board). Each PIXer is assigned a value between 1 and 10 corresponding to the previous year's finish.
How do I see Data (LeaderBoards, Weekly Sheets, and Team Schedules) from previous years?
Quick Links to New Data Mining!!!
The following links can be used for data mining previous years of data. Sorry, no cumulative yet, but you can add things up yourself. These links are examples; you can substitute whatever 'Week' or 'Year' values you prefer. The valid values are: Weeks 1-18 and Years 2002-2008. Leaving the year off will default to current year.
PIX Sheets -
Weekly LeaderBoards -
Team schedule -
just add the following to the end of any team URL: &Year=2005